DMJ TSA Officer Application 22-23

Requirements to run for DMJ TSA Office:

  • Must declare intent to run by September 8, 2022 in email.
  • Fill out the attached form completely (Must be done at one time, there is no saving and going back)
  • Have one teacher (not Mrs. Roberts or Dr. Jarrell ) recommendation letter sent to Mrs. Roberts  by September 14, 2022.
  • Record a 1 minute campaign speech and submit it to Mrs. Roberts by September 14, 2022
  • Give a live campaign speech (1 minute) at the September 15, 2022 after school meeting.

Office Descriptions


“As President, you will be the leading figure in the room and will be the one to conduct meetings as members will look up to you for everything regarding the club. Your role is the most important as it is your job to lead your officers into what you want the club to be; you are the driving force to decide what you want to implement within the club. Another important job is to ensure there is effective communication between officers to ensure maximum efficiency/productivity. You want to make sure that everybody is doing their duty and make sure things are running smoothly, and if there are problems, then you are the mediator and need to communicate with others including the advisor to ensure a positive environment.”

Vice President

“As Vice President, it’s my duty to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; to accept the responsibilities as Vice President if the occasion shall arise; and to be available, as necessary, in promoting the general welfare of TSA.”


“My primary job as secretary is to keep records of anything that goes down during meetings. This includes note taking and relaying minutes back toward the general members. This is all for the purpose of having all of our members aware of any changes to our chapter.”


“As Treasurer, it’s my duty to manage the funds for the club in order to ensure we have the financial stability for any endeavors we have. Also I try to propose ideas for fundraising as well as manage any expenses the club has. I help create, lead, and conduct meetings, and also relay information between advisor to the rest of the general members.”


“The reporter serves in any capacity as directed by the President; accumulates and keep up to date information on the history of the association; prepares articles for publication in publications, professional magazines, journals, newspapers and other news media; and contacts other association members concerning new items for publication. Member will also be responsible for submitting info for the DMJ TSA website and Facebook page.”


“As Sergeant-at-Arms, it is my job to make sure the meetings go smoothly and orderly. I get everyone seated and settled, and make sure that everyone has what they need in order to be successful. At officer meetings, I make sure we are following the agenda, in order to accomplish the goal of each meeting.”


If elected members agree to:

  • Understand the mission and goals of your organization.
  • Attend all meetings and weekly practices.
  • Understand the organization’s creed and know it from memory.
  • Understand and correctly use parliamentary procedure.
  • Memorize appropriate ceremonies and rituals.
  • Attend all meetings.
  • Be prepared to conduct organization and chapter meetings.
  • Prepare speeches to be used during your term of office to inspire, inform, and motivate others.
  • Attend TSA officers’ training sessions.
  • Be loyal to the organization and the chapter to which you belong.
  • Help other officers accomplish their tasks.
  • Keep members constantly working toward goals and objectives through involvement in worthwhile projects and activities.
  • Practice good speaking and writing skills as you represent the chapter.

DMJ TSA Officer Application 22-23

Please check the position you are running for(Required)
Type your name to show you understand this.
Type your name to show you understand this.


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