Dr Mona Jain Technology Student Association (TSA)

GO to the Gallery to see pictures of DMJ TSA in action!

TSA is a nationally recognized program that challenges middle and high school students in the four aspects of  STEM. Members apply Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics concepts in designing and creating prototypes that provide solutions to real-world problems.

DMJ TSA Chapter Mission Statement

Our mission is to develop and foster personal growth, leadership and opportunities in technology innovation, design and engineering. Students will apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts through co-curricular activities, competitive events and related events.

Technology Student Association logoBenefits of membership include:

    • 36 traditional competitive events 
    • 21st century leadership skills activities 
    • Technology literacy development
    • Chapter service project
    • Leadership Opportunities
    • Local, state, and national competitions


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